New York

2013Title II Reports

2013 Title II Report


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The overarching goal of the New York State Board of Regents is to ensure that all students are ready for college and career success. To maximize student growth and achievement, New York State Education Department (the Department) has taken significant steps toward increasing the effectiveness of teachers. As part of the Race to the Top initiatives, the Department is redesigning the system for preparing teachers.  
Major Initiatives in Improving the Quality of Teacher Preparation  
Transform teacher preparation through more clinical experiences: In April 2010, the Board of Regents amended regulations to establish graduate level clinically rich teacher preparation pilot programs. The amendment includes components of effective clinically rich programs supported by research findings and best practices: collaboration between program providers and partnering high need schools or school districts; recruitment and selection for program candidates; research-based curriculum linking theory and practice; recruitment, selection, training, and support for mentors; and mentoring and support for candidates throughout the program and after program completion. Through a Request for Proposal process, 11 program providers received preliminary funding for the Clinically Rich Teacher Preparation Pilot Program.  
Strengthen the assessments for the certification of teachers and educational leaders: In May 2010, the Board of Regents reaffirmed and clarified the direction for the new exams, which includes the Academic Literacy Skills test (ALST), the Educating All Students test (EAS) the Teacher Performance Based Assessment (edTPA), the School Building Leader performance assessment (SBL) as well as revisions to the Content Specialty Tests (CSTs).  
Link P-12 student achievement and growth data to teacher preparation institutions: On May 28, 2010, New York State enacted historic legislation (Chapter 103 of the Laws of 2010) that sets a new course for teacher effectiveness by requiring annual teacher evaluations based in significant part on student achievement. The P-20 Longitudinal Data System will make it possible to connect the P-12 growth and achievement data of New York’s students with the teacher(s) responsible for the year’s performance and to link them to the institutions preparing the teachers. All preparation programs now are held accountable through requiring all programs to achieve accreditation and maintain at least an 80 percent pass rate on all certification examinations.  
Title II State Report Card additional explanations:  
1) Hours of supervised clinical experience required prior to student teaching and for student teaching (Section 1.e): For traditional programs leading to initial certification, the Commissioner’s Regulations require that the program shall include at least 100 clock hours of field experiences and two 20 days (260 clock hours) of student-teaching. The regulations do not require the completion of the field experience hours prior to student teaching.  
2) For the Alternative Transitional B program, regulations require at least 40 clock hours of field experiences in the introductory component. Although the program does not require any student-teaching before candidates become the teachers of record, after candidates become the teachers of record, the program requires candidates who are teaching with a transitional B certificate to receive mentoring and supervision during the entire period that they are both teaching and enrolled in the program, including at least one school year.  
3) The Alternative Transitional C program does not require any field experiences or student teaching before candidates become the teachers of record. However, the program requires that candidates complete two school years of mentored teaching with a transitional C certificate under the supervision of a faculty member of the program.  
4) Total number of initial teaching certificates issued to individuals trained in another state (Section 1.g): Due to limited resources, the Department does not collect this data.  
5) Four institutions do have pass rate data or summary pass rate data posted because they did not submit their list of program completers in a timely manner. Those institutions are Keuka College, Mary Mount Manhattan College, Manhattanville College and Pratt Institute. Mary Mount Manhattan is in the process of discontinuing the teacher preparation programs.  

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